Registration abuse detector abuse is a common problem that can impact user experience and service availability. For example, an adversary could register a malicious domain to use as a backdoor into your environment or to host phishing or malware content that causes harm to users of your application.
You can detect these types of attacks with registration abuse detector. This feature identifies potential abusive registrations in your environment by looking for patterns of behavior associated with malicious domains. The data includes information such as registrant contact details, IP addresses used to make requests, and the detection rules that triggered the incident. The data can help you identify potential attackers by providing a list of all the detected incidents in your environment and information about them.
The Key to User Engagement: Mastering Account Origination Best Practices
The detected incidents are sorted in order of risk, with severe risks first and moderate risks following. The number next to each risk level indicates the number of incidents in that category. The most serious incidents should be investigated immediately, while you can investigate moderate risks after you’ve resolved more severe problems.
If an author appeals the abusive designation of their content, it shows on the Awaiting Review tab (in Administration > Moderation). In addition, moderators that can see this tab are notified that there is content to review. If an appeal is denied, the content is automatically flagged for expungement after a configurable amount of time. This means that the content will not be shown to users of your community again.