Day: July 29, 2024

Benefits of Artificial Grass For BackyardsBenefits of Artificial Grass For Backyards

Many homeowners love the idea of a lush green lawn but struggle with the reality of maintaining one. The constant war against turf diseases, drought conditions and insect pressures make it a challenge to maintain the health of natural grass areas. For this reason, many Southern California homeowners turn to artificial grass for backyards.

How to install artificial grass on soil is that high-quality synthetic grass requires very little maintenance. In fact, you won’t even have to mow it! Eliminating mowing not only saves time but it also reduces air pollution. One hour behind a lawn mower releases as much pollution into the environment as 11 cars running for that same amount of time.

Benefits of Artificial Grass for Backyards: Why It’s a Great Choice

Another big benefit of synthetic grass is that it does not require watering like a traditional grass lawn. This is especially important in drought-prone areas. The lack of irrigation helps to alleviate the need for water restrictions and helps to conserve a precious resource that is becoming more expensive every day.

Lastly, fake grass is pet-friendly. Dogs and cats can ruin traditional natural grass by urinating on it which turns it brown. However, urine will not affect fake grass and it can be easily rinsed with water. In addition, fleas and ticks are not drawn to it the same way that they are to natural grass so you won’t have to use pesticides and fungicides on your yard. This will protect your pets and your kids.