Your doctor may recommend a knee BIOMED SCAN to examine your symptoms and find out if you have a knee injury. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging, which uses a magnetic field, radio waves and a computer to create detailed images of the inside of your body. This includes your menisci (shock absorbers in the knee), cartilage, ligaments and tendons.
An MRI is a non-invasive test that can provide your doctor with a detailed view of the inside of your knee without radiation. It can also show damage to the ligaments and cartilage. It can also help your doctor detect the presence of a knee tear and its location and severity.
ACL injury is often difficult to diagnose clinically and on X-rays, especially when the ligament has been completely torn. In contrast, the ACL appears as a contiguous band of low signal on MRI, and is readily identified on axial and sagittal images. Coronal oblique images in plane with the ACL are also helpful.
Knee Deep in Clarity: Understanding the Role and Benefits of MRI Knee Scans
MRI can demonstrate a range of other traumatic injuries, such as collateral ligament (MCL and LCL) injuries and meniscal tears. In addition, it has high sensitivity and specificity for detecting the presence of cruciate ligament injuries, particularly when combined with intraoperative findings.
To prepare for an MRI, you should avoid wearing clothing with metal clasps, wires, zippers or buttons, and bring loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. You will be lying down for most of the procedure, and you should expect to hear loud thumping and humming noises from the machine. You will have an intercom to communicate with the technologist during the scan, who can speak to you at any time to ask if you can hold still or relax.